Your Bedroom:
Organize any clutter or items that are out of place.
Dust all surfaces including furniture, nightstands, and lamps.
Vacuum or sweep the floor.
Make the bed and change the sheets.
Open windows for fresh air if possible.
Teenager's Room and Bathroom:
Clean any dirty laundry or clutter.
Dust surfaces like shelves, desks, and dressers.
Vacuum or sweep the floor.
Make the bed (if applicable) and change the sheets.
In the bathroom, clean the toilet, sink, mirror, and shower/bath.
Replace towels if necessary.
Organize any items that are out of place.
Dust all surfaces including shelves, furniture, and window sills.
Wipe down windows and glass doors.
Clean any indoor plants if applicable.
Vacuum or sweep the floor.
Family Bathroom:
Clean the toilet, sink, mirror, and shower/bath.
Wipe down countertops and surfaces.
Sweep and mop the floor.
Replace towels and refill soap dispensers.
Empty the trash.
Living Room:
Straighten up any clutter like magazines, books, or toys.
Dust all furniture, including tables, shelves, and entertainment center.
Wipe down electronics and TV screens.
Clean upholstery such as couches and chairs.
Vacuum or sweep the floor and carpets.
Clean appliances such as the stove, microwave, and refrigerator.
Wipe down all countertops and surfaces.
Scrub the sink and faucet.
Clean any dishes or load the dishwasher.
Sweep and mop the floor.
Empty the trash and recycling bins.
Downstairs Toilet Room:
Clean and disinfect the toilet bowl, seat, and exterior.
Wipe down the sink and faucet.
Clean the mirror.
Sweep and mop the floor.
Replace hand towels if necessary.
Hallways (x2):
Check for any clutter or items that need to be put away.
Dust any surfaces, including picture frames or decorative items.
Vacuum or sweep the floors.
Clean any mirrors or windows in the hallways.